Friday, February 09, 2007

Travelling on

It's a long gap between posts in which time two deaths have occurred.

Hannelore, my beloved wife, was - as the Salvationists say - "promoted to glory" in mid-December. She was 77 y.o. and had lived a charming and fulfilling life to the end.

This week one of our very closest friends died in her fifties being at work as a school-teacher until late last year. An aggressive cancer took her from us. She died peacefully in her sleep having enjoyed the comforts of an excellent hospice for her last weeks.

Hannelore wrote at one point that even in her deepest times of sadness "the joy of travelling" would raise her spirits.

How apt!

We're all on a journey to that heavenly city and should let the joy of the journey give us buoyant spirits. Once we realise we are travelling on then as the International marian Movement has it " ... every event, every sore, every failure" can be turned into victory, a creative opening for us to experience God's love and that of our friends.