Sunday, June 05, 2011


It has been back to the grindstone again, but with a difference. Instead of the disciplined problems of writing non-fiction in which I have to get the facts right, I have turned to fiction. It is a splendid change. I find that I still have to get the facts right in the background but that is as far as it goes.

The memoir of my late wife was brought up the time when we got engaged. As it is autobiography from then on, I have put this to one side while I get inside the new frame of mind.

At present the challenge is to get something finished. Having learned how to finish it off - pardon the phrase - I should be able to turn to the series of novels half-begin most of them rather than half finished about the church in the twentieth century and the beginnings of this present one.

Meanwhile the inquisitive can find some updates in the usual places. May I draw the attention of you all to the update on St. Matilda's - visit

I'm sure you will enjoy it.

Meanwhile I take note of the goings on in the Ordinariate, The Society of St. Wilfred and St. Hilda (if that is the right way round) and maintain my sanity with the news from Walsingham. As for our General Synod, I begin to wonder whether there shouldn't be a short theological examination for all elected candidates (especially the clergy as it would help the Bishops and Downing Street decide who was fit for which particular bit of promotion, or place of effective exile!).

More later in the month.

Yours ay,

Fr. Ted

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